i am just referring to the 1st time opening the door to our BTO flat. lol
So we chose a date and made our first trip to our new home on 3rd June 2013.
Some folks will prepare some prayers whereas others would just roll pineapples into the home.
rolling pineapples into home means 旺来, 财源滚进来.
Yes, yes… we are superstitious. We know we have to do something to bring some luck to our new nest.
But for us , we brought some rice, salt and “Mak Cao” (which until now i do not know what is that). Basically we just tie the “Mak Cao” at the metal gate, mix the rice and the salt together and put bit of it in every corners (including the toilets).
Next, you should be checking out the defects in your new home. During the collection of the keys, the HDB staff will pass you a feedback form whereby you need to list down the defects that you found and submit it to the Building Service Center (BSC). But question is , what do we look out for? what would consider a defect?
I found this online. This is indeed useful! At least you have a rough guide on what should be looking out for. My bestie emphasizes on the skirting. You should see any gaps between the skirting and the wall/floor tiles.
We did a round of checks and was satisfied and thought “Wow, we are lucky, only minor defects that could be easily fixed during reno”. But we were so wrong. Our contractor checked the flat again and he submitted multiple defects. -_-
Some of the defects that our contractor highlighted.
We have the feel of our new home so we could move on to the planning portion before the real renovation!